
It's definitely an iterative process

It's definitely an iterative process.

Now, I realize a lot of players may be operating under the assumption that, after a new feature is implemented, our designers collectively retire to their plush mahogany studies and spend the next few months wearing silk robes, drinking expensive bourbon, and generally congratulating themselves on being masters of the universe.

While that's an endearing thought, it couldn't be farther from the truth. As Ghostcrawler noted in the latest BlizzCast, a designer's work is never truly done. Even after new content is released,po wow we continue to examine how we can make World of Warcraft more enjoyable and engaging. If that means revisiting certain elements -- like the Beginner Tooltips -- then, by golly, we'll do it. Constructive and pointed feedback certainly helps focus our efforts, though, so keep it coming.

Don't just say "KILL EET WITH FIRE," though. This doesn't really help us. If you have any concerns with the functionality, be sure to explain why and what you feel could be done better. We want Beginners Tooltips in the game, but we also want to make sure we implement them in a meaningful way.

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