i think a quiet and content forum would in fact
i think a quiet and content forum would in fact be a horrible and dire turn of events.
Utterly no one left in the game wants any change or progression? they are just fine and happy to leave every single feature object an function as is? must be a very very small remaining player base, so small you'll no longer be turning any profit, more like a huge loss wow po because everyone knows you cannot ever please everyone. Always someone will see something that can be done different or tweaked, or added/removed! This is of course irrelevant to thier professional knowledge, or lack of, towards game development, like 2 in every million ppl who plays games (any game!) are likely to be pro level game devs
Picking the happy medium is always going to be a sucky job and im glad its not me who has to deliberate over what comes and goes. I just get to log on and play which is good enough for me!
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