The issue here is Warlock's are now viable
The issue here is Warlock's are now viable. We were bottom of the barrel in everything before, I remember being passed over time and again for a Mage and in some cases (sadly) an SPriest. It was degrading. I love playing a lock but it's horrible when my friends even po world of Warcraft ask me if I can switch to my Mage because they really don't want a Lock on the group.
Now there's no issues. I'm tied with Mage's in terms of who wants me in their group. The fact is if they do what I'm afraid of and just revert us back to what we were in Cata this guy will be shelved. Even if they redid Cunning, which they don't need to but probably will just because, and leave the rest of it alone then things will be fine. When they use the "bring us in line" verbiage it's code for "nerf them back down." W finally got something beyond being the, "hey lock give us rocks and summon the other peeps" and are now actually decent in a group. Hitting us back down with a nerf bat would be like hitting a DK with an Powerup bat. It wouldn't be smart. Yes small tweaks to lower the power of some things a little is fine, the grand nerf sweep that's incoming is not going to help anything.
Yeah yeah tell me I need a tin foil hat but compared to what 'Lock's have had for years try and tell me we were viable before. I'll laugh repeatedly.
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