

only to quickly realize

I wish flying was taken out of the game entirely. There are a LOT of people who are happy that we will be grounded, even if for a little while. Like most things, the people who are upset are the loudest and most active. Don't confuse that with "everyone" hating the flying change,po world of Warcraft because that's certainly not the case.

There's also some amount of, "you don't really know what's best for you", which I agree with here. How about trying not flying and see how it goes first.

For example, anyone who played in vanilla ever manage to jump to an interesting spot, only to quickly realize, "well, this isn't so impressive since I could have just flown up here and dismounted..."?

To Migraineland


Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

This week, in comics: A protest. A technical term. A baby. An extra in an '80s movie. Pants! Plus: Sparcle is rocking new goggles!

If you missed us last week, you may notice that we have a new comic on the list! It's called Questing Comics, and is relatively new, with fifteen pages up so far. Check it out!
or world of Warcraft
Also on the list this week is an MMO-related comic from Zombie Roomie, submitted by JereHunter, who wasn't sure how I felt about jokes involving long raids and bio breaks (or lack thereof). Bring 'em on.

In other news, Contested Territory is running a Christmas special this week, and putting forth a proposal for 2015. Definitely check it out! Aside from the awesome backgrounds, the fashion, and the fun look at some of the gnome poses, I love the idea, and I love how Trig connected it to Christmas instead of New Year's resolutions.

Finally, Lackinganame has issued a trivia question. Who can guess the reference on Praise the Sun, the second update of Gratz Solace featured last week?

March 2013

This is the fifth year that I've done the Best of WoW Insider series, and I have rarely encountered a month in which it was harder to cut so much out in pursuit of the "best." March 2013 was world of Warcraft po embarrassingly full of riches. I mean, any month in which a major patch drops is always interesting, but this one just had a tidal wave of great commentary, screenshots, art, and machinima. I apologize to everyone and everything that I had to leave out.

The end of the month did get a bit quieter. I can't tell whether that's because players settled down a little to work on the content, or if it's because Bioshock: Infinite dropped on the 26th and everyone played themselves into a state of collapse.

straightforward information about them?

^I'm going to second this even though I haven't actually watched any of these. I have a max level hunter for the first time in years as of last week, and while I understand basic pet mechanics, acheter wow gold it is absolute hell trying to figure out the decision making that goes into figuring out which pet you want.

It took me three itemized lists written by players to cross reference with each other before I decided which pet both fits what I want and what a group needs - and that's ridiculous. A pet is the CORE of the hunter - why is it so difficult to find straightforward information about them?

As a veteran player I knew to search this info out and where to get it, but someone just starting or hasn't been in the game in 5 years? Totally lost - on something so basic to the class's performance.

I can tell you it wasn't fun

My version of issue was that when I took gryphon taxi, I wasn't riding at a normal mount speed, but couldn't control my movement as if I'm on the taxi. I clicked off the buffs and the gryphon disappeared, rendering me fly/swim in the air, progressing slowly to my wow gold destination.... I can tell you it wasn't fun.

However, since I haven't tried the mount again (it wasn't mine, some guildie had the hitching post), I don't know if it's a recurring stuff or just my unlucky glitch.

Reducing the debuff to 5 minutes

[random bgs] Reducing the debuff to 5 minutes certainly has its pros and cons. Will be interesting to see if players afk out earlier than they do now, but on the other hand it keeps folks engaged in the game more if they would have normally logged off because of the 15 minute debuff (especially if you're horde and have a long queue time on top of that).wow gold fr 5 mins is a bit less punishing if you dc-ed or had something come up IRL temporarily. You'll also be queued into in-progress games more than now, though losing ones

I think the net effect is a positive one, but yeah pros and cons.

subforum for this kind of interaction

Perhaps the ideal solution would be either a twitter feed on battlenet, or a twitter style subforum for this kind of interaction.

I don't know how that or world of Warcraft would work out, so I don't really know how viable that is.

PS: thanks for posting!

Convert to Raid is a well-produced

Convert to Raid is a well-produced, informative and very entertaining show. I have to get my fix every week! My only complaint is that I'm not on it. But maybe that's not a bad thing.

I am so glad to see the po world of Warcraft devs interacting with the community more in this way. By participating in live chats, twitter and community-produced content ahead of the new xpac release, it has made me feel as if they are more tuned in to the community than ever before.

clarification on how it's supposed to work

There's been a number of hotfixes around Battleground Honor gains and got clarification on how it's supposed to work.

At the beginning of Patch 6.0.2 there was no bonus Honor. We implemented a hotfix to grant 135 Honor for a win but mistakenly added it for all Battleground wins instead of only when queuing for a Random Battleground.

In patch 6.0.3,world of Warcraft po this was corrected and the bonus Honor is now only awarded for a win when queuing for a Random Battleground. Additionally, we restored the 45 Honor bonus for losing when queued for a Random Battleground.

If you want your bonus Honor, queue for Random Battlegrounds.

been doing the crystal dailies


You are complaining, because you have to wait 5 whole days (less if you have already been doing the crystal dailies), to get a ring and then you are on exactly the same level. Grow up you whiny little..... you know.

well thought out posts buried

I saw too much of that on digg and mod points abuse on
The mentality, "My opinion is too rebuplican conservative for my orientation therefor I'm a troll," kept valid, well thought out, posts buried.

Will it be removed completely or World of Warcraft Gold simply locked/archived?

To completely remove it trashes a lot of good information for anyone googling wow topics.

barely hold on as it is?

Just a question, will this new patch be a framerate dropper, cuz my laptop can barely hold on as it is?

Worgen druid all the way lol.or wow human turns to wearwolf nd wearwolf turns 2 kitteh :D thats badass right there and im tunin this guy into a tauren "sun walker" FTW!!

ROAR i will turn my war into a wolf when I can, and just check out the destruction OF THE HORDE!

in essence buffing one class to the detriment

As to the second point, mages are now completely overpowered for any kind of daily questing, reputation grinding, and have the most utility of any class by far outside of a raid. In essence, what you have done blizzard, is nerf to the ground the mobility of 9 classes, and in essence buffing one class to the detriment of all of those others.

For all of you hating on the so-called "qq" over portal removals, I really ask you why are you so mad that you feel the need to support what is in essence the biggest nerf in the history of wow?wow po Does forcing people to travel long distances make you happy out of a sense of nostalgia? You do realize hardly anyone is going to sit and stare at the butt of a gyphon or wind rider, or even their own flying mount if they fly long distances across azeroth?

In conclusion, removing the portals nerfs 90% of the classes in the game, significantly buffs one, and the only people that are satisfied are the old school "hardcore" people who talk about the wow equivalent of walking to and from school barefoot in 2 feet of snow up hill both ways.

detail about how this is done

Not going in to detail about how this is done, but people have been able to exploit their way in to the new zones. This gives me the impression that the majority, if not all, of the data was implemented with 4.0.3a. Since that appears to be the case, and taking the no maintenance in to account, I would say that there will be no download or a very, wow or very small one to activate the data.

It's definitely an iterative process

It's definitely an iterative process.

Now, I realize a lot of players may be operating under the assumption that, after a new feature is implemented, our designers collectively retire to their plush mahogany studies and spend the next few months wearing silk robes, drinking expensive bourbon, and generally congratulating themselves on being masters of the universe.

While that's an endearing thought, it couldn't be farther from the truth. As Ghostcrawler noted in the latest BlizzCast, a designer's work is never truly done. Even after new content is released,po wow we continue to examine how we can make World of Warcraft more enjoyable and engaging. If that means revisiting certain elements -- like the Beginner Tooltips -- then, by golly, we'll do it. Constructive and pointed feedback certainly helps focus our efforts, though, so keep it coming.

Don't just say "KILL EET WITH FIRE," though. This doesn't really help us. If you have any concerns with the functionality, be sure to explain why and what you feel could be done better. We want Beginners Tooltips in the game, but we also want to make sure we implement them in a meaningful way.

Deepholm and got nothing

I also did this transmute in Deepholm and got nothing. I have had a ticket in for this for two days and heard nothing back yet. Will we be getting the original uncrafted items acheter wow po back when this is fixed? Or will we get the crafted items and the skill up that should have resulted?

I bought the items and did the crafting specifically for the skill up and now I have neither :(

back inspired by an old MUD I used to play

Lylirra, I had an idea a while back inspired by an old MUD I used to play.

Is it possible at some point that you can see the "ghost" of a friendly player across a phase? In AvatarMUD, those players who had ascended into the Lord ranks leave the mortal world behind, but can still interact with other players in the mortal world through a spirit form.acheter wow gold They cannot interact with the world itself (so a Lord class character can't kill a mob or retrieve an item for a mortal character), but can speak with mortal characters. It also prevented Lord class characters from using Lord-level buffs on mortal characters.

In WoW, something similar can be accomplished with a few minor tweaks. Two characters out-of-phase will see the world in their phase and the "ghost" of the other player but nothing in the other player's phase. This can allow for trading while phased, using summoning stones while phased, and leading a confused player to their destination while phased.

in fact and crunched some numbers

pro change to the achievement, we were discussing this last night in fact and crunched some numbers

turns out on my realm World of Warcraft(EUR) (with current AH prices) the ach as 10k flasks would cost a total of just over 11 million gold. thats pretty steep me thinks. any thoughts on changing the glyph one too. name one guild that could possibly use 25k glyphs its just impossible

pro change to the achievement

pro change to the achievement, we were discussing this last night in fact and crunched some numbers

turns out on my realm (with World of Warcraft(EUR) current AH prices) the ach as 10k flasks would cost a total of just over 11 million gold. thats pretty steep me thinks. any thoughts on changing the glyph one too. name one guild that could possibly use 25k glyphs its just impossible

where there shouldn't have been one

Their data suggests that the spellpower coefficient is 1.06, not 0.0106. They put a "%" where there shouldn't have been one.

edit: actually, wow gold their datamined data has a much higher base healing value, too -- 11820. Not sure what's up with that.